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Goose Liver with Balsamic Plum Gravy

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1 goose liver
2 tbsp. butterfat
125 ml chicken stock
4 tbsp. Plum Balsamic Vinegar
1 tbsp. butter


1 goose liver cut into 4 medaillons. Fry in 2 tbsp. butterfat on both sides and remove from pan. Depending on the size of the liver pieces, finish them off by frying them in the oven for another 5 mins. Add 125 ml chicken stock to the pan and let reduce it. Remove from the stove, add 4 tbsp. Plum Balsamic Vinegar to perfume the liver and mount it with 1 tbsp. butter Place a piece of liver in the centre of a plate and pour some of the gravy over it.
Serve with brioche.
serves 4