Grape Seed Oil Zweigelt, 250 ml
Emerald green, tinges of gold, sweetish aroma, delicate wine note, fruity-nutty flavour with hints of draff and cherry; for salads, meat, fish and game, milkshakes very high flaming point (230°C)
20,00 €
incl. VAT 10%
Burgenland, Austria
Approximately 15 kg of grape seeds are needed to produce 1 liter of Grape Seed Oil.
unblended oil pressed from Zweigelt grape seeds
cold pressed, natural, unfiltered
Rezepte zum Produkt
- Duck Breast with Black Currant Juice
- Grilled Lamb Chops with Garlic and Herbs
- Jugged Hare
- Braised Beef Provence Style
- Saddle of Venison with Spiced Sauce
- Roastbeef with Mustard Sauce
- Roast of Beef Heart and Beer Vinegar
- Pork Tenderloin with Balsamic-Apple-Sauce
- Boar Chili
- Butterflies with Plums Sweet and Sour
- Chanterelle-Tatare with Veal Kidney and Chive-Vinaigrette
- Caponata